Hari demi hari menjelang UN semakin dekat. Aku deg-degan, takut. Tapi tetep semangat belajar keras. Disela-sela kesibukan mempersiapkan diri buat UN, aku masih (harus) sempat refreshing! Yah walaupun dikit-dikit kan ngga papa. Ngga boleh terlalu stress juga ngadepin ujian nasional ini, eh tapi ngga boleh terlalu nyantai juga yah! :o
Eh iya aku ada temen di sekolah namanya Danu, dia temen lesku, temen kelompok belajarku bareng sama Vicko&Ovi. Dia koplak abis anaknya, ocol, dan sangat amat berbakat jadi pelawak handal dan terkenal! Tingginya dia ini 174cm, tinggi bet ya -_- dia selisih 1cm ama a’a Shane. Dia pemain basket sih di sekolah, salah satu keocolannya waktu pelajaran conversation kan disuruh buat mini drama, nah kelompok absurd kita bikin drama judulnya, “Two Foolish Students’ Daily Life”.
Wanna know the script? Look at the words below!
Two Foolish Students’ Daily Life
Danu : Where will you go?
Vicko : I will go to school.
Danu : Umm.. What is school?
Vicko : It’s hard to explain it. Hey, would you like to accompany me to go to school?
Danu : I prefer my rock house to school. But let’s go!
At the school
Ovi : (Walking to the class) Good morning, students. I’m a new teacher. My name is Mrs.Ovi
Vicko : Wow! She is beautiful
Fanny : And she’s really cute!
Danu : Is she a woman?
Ovi : Attention please! Now, I want you to write your experience here. And then, read it in front of the class.
Fanny : Yes, mam!
Vicko : Yes, mam!
Danu : (whispering) I don’t care
Ovi : What is your name?
Danu : (Silent)
Ovi : Hey, what is your name?
Danu : Who is this fat woman, Vicko?
Vicko : What are you talking about? She’s our teacher, Danu! You may nor do that. His name is Danu, mam..
Ovi : Ah..okay
Vicko : Dan, do you know what am I thinking about? (laughing)
Danu : What?
Vicko : 24!
Danu : (Laughing) What is funnier than 24?
Vicko : I don’t know.
Danu : 25! (laughing)
Vicko : (Laughing)
Ovi : Could you keep silent for a while?
V&D : Of course, mam.
Fanny : Excuse me, would you like to lend me your pencil?
Danu : I’m sorry. But I’m afraid you’ll break it.
Ovi : Students, now please read your paper!
Danu : Before we read it, how about if we’re stretching first?
Vicko : Good idea!
Danu : That’s my skill.
Vicko : Why? Have a great idea?
Danu : Nope. Called Danu.
Ovi : Quickly. Quickly!
Fanny : Okay, mam. I’ll be first.
Fanny : (Reading)
Ovi : Nice story. Now your turn please!
Vicko : (Reading)
Ovi : Hmm not too bad.
Danu : (Walking) If you won’t your friends mock you, collect your paper to your teacher. If your teacher say your paper is bad, do innocent moves! Let me show it.. (Danu collects his paper to the teacher)
Ovi : Is this your wrote? This is so bad.
Danu : Umm I want to go to the lavatory room.
Vicko : And how about your paper, Dan?
Danu : What paper? What paper? I feel I didn’t write it. (Walking out)
Ovi : Danu, wait! This is your paper. This is so great.
Danu : (Look at his friends)
Fanny : He is so cool.
Danu : (Reading) There is a town.
Vicko : And?
Danu : There is a cave.
Vicko : And?
Danu : There is an adventure.
Vicko : And?
Danu : The end.
Ovi : Is that all?
Danu : Yes.
Ovi : But it looks like you have so muh wrote.
Danu : Frankly, it is just a sentence that I repeat over again and again.
Ovi : Danu, would you like to write another story?
Danu : Okay. Finish!
Ovi : Read it please!
Danu : Rose is red. Jasmine is white. I want to go to bathroom.
Fanny : Hey, that’s great. I like your wrote better than mine.
Vicko : Yeah, nice poem.
Fanny : It was meaningful.
(When Danu was back)
Danu : Hey, Vicko! Could you stop to move? It’s annoying!
Fanny : Yes, Vicko! I don’t like you.
Vicko : Hey! I didn’t do anything.
Danu : Yes! You didn’t do anything and it makes me so annoyed. Mam, he’s disturbing us.
Fanny : Yes, mam. He is pissing us off.
Danu : Drop him out from this school, mam!
Fanny : That’s right, mam!
Ovi : Vicko, is that right?
Vicko : No, mam. Actually I don’t ....
Ovi : Enough! Vicko, what you’re talking is important at all. Sometimes, what you’re talking is not important . Now, get out of here!
Vicko : Okay, mam. And you, Danu...what are you doing when I’m gone?
Danu : Waiting for you to come back, Vicko. Now, get out of here, stupid man! I won’t see you anymore. GO! Get out of here, stupid man! I won’t see you anymore. GO!!
Ovi : Let him go, child.
Fanny : If friendship is not something that ever lasting. Therefore, monkey will be crying. I’m Annisa Tristifany. See you next time.
Jujur aku sendiri ngga bisa nahan ketawa terutama waktu Danu ngomong, “Is she a woman?” “Who is this fat woman, Vicko?” mukanya innocent abis! Tapi unyu wakakak :p
Drama kita ini tapi dapet pujian loh dari bu Kanti, padahal yah ceritanya koplak-koplak ngga jelas gitu. But it was unforgettable!
Nah hari ini hari sabtu, kek biasanya aku les fisika bareng Vicko, Danu, Ovi. Danu ngaret! Guess what was his reason?! “Lupa” *hening*
Begitu les selesai, aku ngaterin Bu Dewi, guru les kita ke depan pintu. Pas aku masuk lagi mereka ngilang! Cialun-_- aku ke dapur, ngebuka kulkas bentar ngecek dunkin donuts *gitu bukan sih tulisannya?-_-* masi sisa berapa, ternyata pas! Sisa 3. Terus anak-anak itu belum menunjukkan tanda-tanda dimana hidung mereka (?). Aku panggil aja, “Vi?” terus ada suara anak-anak cekikikan. Aku masuk ke dalem kamarku sambil naro kotak donat di atas meja, mereka gelagapan nyari tempat sembunyi, but it’s too late *evil laugh*.
Tebak yok Danu ngapain, begitu kepergok dia malah nyelempit diantara lemari buku sama lemari baju di kamarku dan bilang, “Aku ngga disini, Fan. Aku ngga disini!” Aku, Ovi, Vicko, kita semua pada ngakak parah banget. Dan aku ngebagiin donat yang sisa tiga itu. Terus kita solat maghrib sama-sama. Vicko sama Danu suit, yang kalah jadi imam. Dan ternyata Vicko kalah, pemirsa! Dan dengan muka penuh kemenangan Danu ngomong kalo Vicko ngga berbakat suit! -_-
Really enjoy today ;) thanks Vicko, Ovi, Danu!